Алпал (пар. Alpes [alp]; гер. Alpen [ˈalpn̩] ( listen); итал. Alpi [ˈalpi]; рето. Alps; словен. Alpe Халип:IPA-sl) — бищун борхатаб (4809 м) ва бищун гӀатӀидаб мугӀрул балазул система, жиб тӀубанго Европаялда бугеб[a][1] ва тӀибитӀараб гӀага-шагарго 1210 км-алъ микьго Алпиял пачалихъаздасан (бакътӀерхьудаса бакъбаккуде): Парансиялдаса байбихьун, Швейцариялдасан, Монакоялдасан, Италиялдасан, Лихтенштейналдасан, Австриялдасан ва Германиялдасан Словениялде.[b][3]
Алпал | |
фр. Alpes, нем. Alpen, итал. Alpi, ромш. Alps, словен. Alpe | |
КӀодолъи | |
Халалъи | 1200 км |
ГӀеблъи | 250 км |
ГӀатӀилъи | 190 000 км² |
Бищун борхатаб бакӀ | |
ТӀогь | Монблан |
Борхалъи | 4808,73 м |
Координатал | 46/01/00/N/11/11/00/E |
Геология | |
ЛӀугьин | Мезозой |
Орогения | Алп орогения |
ГьецӀоялъул тайпа | Бюндерил къоногамачӀ, флиш ва моласс |
География | |
46°01′00″ ш. гӀ. 11°11′00″ бб. х.HGЯO | |
Пачалихъал | |
Медиафайлал Викигъамасалда |
Алпазул кӀамури тӀибитӀула Ракьдагьоркьоб ралъадалъул бакътӀерхьул рагӀалде бугеб Ниццаялдаса Адриатикаялда бугеб Триесталде ва Паннонияб бассеналъул байбихьуда бугеб Вйен щвезегӀан. МугӀрул лӀугьана анцӀ-анцӀ миллион соназда жанир евразияб ва африканияб тектоникиял къаналлъаби цоцалӀ тункиялъул хӀасилалда. Гьеб вакъигӀаталдалъун лӀугьараб цӀикӀкӀараб къокълъел сабаблъана тӀадекъаялдалъун ва сокӀкӀиналдалъун ралъдал седиментариял гьецӀаби Монблан ва Маттергьорн гӀадал тӀогьазде рорхиялъе.
Алпазул бищун борхатаб тӀогьлъун ккола Монблан, жиб парансгин итал гӀорхъода бугеб; гьелъул борхалъи буго 4809 м. Алпазул регионалда буго 128 тӀогь, жиндир борхалъи 4000-ялдаса цӀикӀкӀун метр бугеб.
хисизабизеГеология ва орогения
хисизабизе- ^ Кавказалъул мугӀрул дагьалги рорхатал руго, Урал дагьабги халатаб буго, амма кӀиялго бутӀаккун Азиялдеги ккола..
- ^ Depending on the definitions used, a small mountain range in western Hungary may also qualify as part of the Alps, although these are more typically classified as foothills, and Hungary is not considered to be an Alpine country.[2]
хисизабизе- ^ "Alps". The Hutchinson unabridged encyclopedia with atlas and weather guide. Abington, United Kingdom: Helicon. 2014.
- ^ kutka, petr (2022-02-21). "Víte, že jsou Alpy i v Maďarsku? Geografická zajímavost a tip na příjemný výlet". Světoběžník.info (in чешский). Щвей 2022-04-12.
- ^ "Alpine Convention" Archived юл 29, 2011 at the Wayback Machine. Alpine Conferences; retrieved 3 August 2012.
Цитатинарурал хӀалтӀаби
хисизабизе- Alpine Convention. (2010). The Alps: People and pressures in the mountains, the facts at a glance
- Allaby, Michael et al. The Encyclopedia of Earth. (2008). Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-25471-8
- Beattie, Andrew. (2006). The Alps: A Cultural History. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-530955-3
- Benniston, Martin, et al. (2011). "Impact of Climatic Change on Water and Natural Hazards in the Alps". Environmental Science and Policy. Volume 30. 1–9
- Cebon, Peter, et al. (1998). Views from the Alps: Regional Perspectives on Climate Change. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-03252-0
- Chatré, Baptiste, et al. (2010). The Alps: People and Pressures in the Mountains, the Facts at a Glance. Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention (alpconv.org). Retrieved August 4, 2012. ISBN 978-88-905158-2-8
- De Graciansky, Pierre-Charles et al. (2011). The Western Alps, From Rift to Passive Margin to Orogenic Belt. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-444-53724-9
- Feuer, A.B. (2006). Packs On!: Memoirs of the 10th Mountain Division in World War II. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania: Stackpole Books. ISBN 978-0-8117-3289-5
- Fleming, Fergus. (2000). Killing Dragons: The Conquest of the Alps. New York: Grove. ISBN 978-0-8021-3867-5
- Gerrard, AJ. (1990) Mountain Environments: An Examination of the Physical Geography of Mountains. Boston: MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-07128-4
- Halbrook, Stephen P. (1998). Target Switzerland: Swiss Armed Neutrality in World War II. Rockville Center, NY: Sarpedon. ISBN 978-1-885119-53-7
- Halbrook, Stephen P. (2006). The Swiss and the Nazis: How the Alpine Republic Survived in the Shadow of the Third Reich. Havertown, PA: Casemate. ISBN 978-1-932033-42-7
- Hudson, Simon. (2000). Snow Business: A Study of the International Ski Industry. New York: Cengage ISBN 978-0-304-70471-2
- Халип:EB1911
- Körner, Christian. (2003). Alpine Plant Life. New York: Springer Verlag. ISBN 978-3-540-00347-2
- Lancel, Serge. (1999). Hannibal. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-631-21848-7
- Mitchell, Arthur H. (2007). Hitler's Mountain. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. ISBN 978-0-7864-2458-0
- Prevas, John. (2001). Hannibal Crosses The Alps: The Invasion Of Italy And The Punic Wars. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press. ISBN 978-0-306-81070-1
- Reynolds, Kev. (2012) The Swiss Alps. Cicerone Press. ISBN 978-1-85284-465-3
- Roth, Philipe. (2007). Minerals first Discovered in Switzerland. Lausanne, CH: Museum of Geology. ISBN 978-3-9807561-8-1
- Schmid, Stefan M. (2004). "Regional tectonics: from the Rhine graben to the Po plain, a summary of the tectonic evolution of the Alps and their forelands". Basel: Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut
- Sharp, Hilary. (2002). Trekking and Climbing in the Western Alps. London: New Holland. ISBN 978-0-8117-2954-3
- Schmid, Stefan M.; Genschuh, Bernhard; Kissling, Eduard; Schuster, Ralf (2004). "Tectonic map and overall architecture of the Alpine orogen". Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 97: 93–117. doi:10.1007/s00015-004-1113-x. S2CID 22393862.
- Shoumatoff, Nicholas and Nina. (2001). The Alps: Europe's Mountain Heart. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. ISBN 978-0-472-11111-4
- Viazzo, Pier Paolo. (1980). Upland Communities: Environment, Population and Social Structure in the Alps since the Sixteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-30663-8
КъватӀисел регӀелал
хисизабизе- 17, 2005 Satellite photo of the Alps, taken on August 31, 2005, by MODIS aboard Terra
- Official website of the Alpine Space Programme This EU co-funded programme co-finances transnational projects in the Alpine region